new in the
Wonder Bath
G eberit, th e In te rn a tio n a l b ra n d for
sa n ita ry sy stem s, re c e n tly u n v eiled its
n ew offering th e G eberit M onolith. T h e
innovative sa n ita ry m o d u le p ro m ise s
im p re ssiv e aw ard -w in n in g design, easy
in stallatio n , an d to p -e n d m aterials. T he
w all-hung m o d u le ingeniously conceals
th e c iste rn b e h in d a p rem iu m -q u ality
glass p an e l giving y o u r b a th a clean look.
In sta lla tio n to o is n o t a p ro b lem a s it can
b e h o o k ed u p to th e ex istin g w a te r su p p ly
an d w a ste w a te r co n n e c tio n s w ith o u t
req u irin g stru c tu ra l changes.
For m ore info, logon to
Give y o u r b ath ro o m an un ex p ected
to u c h of glam our w ith B athline
S en satio n s’ A cquaviva collection.
T h e stu n n in g collection of
accessories (soap d ispenser, b ru sh
holder, an d co tto n ball ja rs) is coated
w ith 24-carat gold an d stu d d e d w ith
Sw arovski crystals to redefine th e
w ay you look a t opulence.
A-232, Okhla Phase 1, Delhi;
Tel: 011/4161-6447.
E legant an d beautiful—
th a t’s w h at C hopard is all
about. A nd its la test
launch, La Vie e n R osé is
n o t only drool-w orthy in
pink sapphires, a
m other-of-pearl dial, an d
m atching sa tin stra p b u t
is also high o n quality.
Chopard Boutique,
Emporio, Delhi;
Tel: 011/4666-2834.
Retro Appeal
Give y o u r h om e a
m akeover w ith Blues
H om es’ re tro collection
th a t includes a v ariety of
so ft furnishing item s
(cushions, linen etc.),
chairs, tables, b ed s, side
tables, an d consoles.
The Gallery at MG,
MG Road, Delhi;
T e l:o n /4076-5597.
Fab Furniture
If y o u are h u n g u p o n buying only exclusive furniture
for y o u r hom e, check o u t th e designer collection from
C h risto p h er Guy. T he collection includes a range of
in d o o r furniture su c h as chairs, sofas, headboards,
bookcases, m irro rs, an d accessories.
International Furniture Brands, MG Road, Delhi;
Tel: 011/4101-2161.
C heer u p y o u r tab le w ith
L um inarc’s latest
dinnerw are collection
th a t is stylish, practical
an d durable, w ith
delicate floral p a tte rn s
available in brilliant
su m m er h u e s su c h as
calm blues, p re tty
greens, an d soothing
pinks an d purples.
Available at leading
crockery stores.
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